Olympus M.ZUIKO 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 II R

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Эта инструкция для фотокамеры Olympus E-PL6 Kit 14-42mm EZ, которая научит Вас, как правильно использовать этот аппарат для различных видов съёмки. Ознакомившись с данным руководством, Вы сможете узнать: как фотографировать звездное небо, как фотографировать людей, как фотографировать в солнечную погоду, как фотографировать капли воды.

Характеристики фотоаппарата Olympus E-PL6 Kit 14-42mm EZ

Параметр Значение
Дата выхода на рынок: 2013 г.
Тип камеры: беззеркальная камера
Комплект: с объективом
Тип матрицы: Live MOS
Размер экрана: 3 »
Количество точек матрицы: 16.1 Мп
Физический размер матрицы: Four Thirds 4/3 (17.3 x 13 мм)
Фокусное расстояние: 14 — 42 мм
Максимальное разрешение видео: 1920×1080
Материал корпуса: металл
Цвет корпуса: белый, красный, серебристый, черный
Длина: 63.7 мм
Ширина: 110.5 мм
Толщина: 38.2 мм
Вес: 325 г (включая батарею и карту памяти)
Тип экрана: TFT
Количество пикселей экрана: 460 000 пикс.
Сенсорный экран: да.
Поворотный экран: да.
Live View: да. с автофокусом
Минимальная чувствительность (ISO): 100
Максимальная чувствительность (ISO): 25 600
Возможность смены объектива: да. байонет Micro Four Thirds
Объектив(ы) в комплекте: M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 EZ Pancake
Ручная фокусировка: да.
Конструкция (элементов и групп): 8/7
Светосила объектива (F-число): 3.5 — 5.6
Минимальное фокусное расстояние: 14 мм
Максимальное фокусное расстояние: 42 мм
Минимальная дистанция фокусировки: 0.2 м
Оптическая стабилизация: да.
Максимальное разрешение снимка: 4608 x 3456
Запись видео: да.
Максимальное количество кадров в секунду: 30 кадров/с
Приоритет диафрагмы: да.
Приоритет выдержки: да.
Ручная выдержка / диафрагма: да.
Коррекция экспозиции: -3EV; +3EV с шагом в 1/3EV
Баланс белого: да.
Сюжетные программы: да.
Минимальная выдержка: 1/4000 c
Максимальная выдержка: 60 c
Встроенная вспышка: да.
Ведущее число вспышки: 10 м (Micro Four Thirds)
Регулировка мощности вспышки: да.
Крепление внешней вспышки: да.
Скорость съёмки: 8 кадров/с
Объём буфера: 27 кадров (RAW)
Съёмка в 3D: да.
Запись в формате RAW: да.
Запись звука: да.
Стереомикрофон: да. встроенный
Диктофон (аудиозаметки): да. (30 секунд)
Поддержка карт памяти: да. SD, SDHC, SDXC
Bluetooth: да.
USB: да. 1
Поддержка дистанционного управления: да.
Композитный видеовыход: да. 1
HDMI-выход: да. 1 (Тип Д)
Тип аккумулятора: Li-ion (BLS-5)

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Olympus 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 II M.Zuiko Digital User Reviews

average of 5 review(s)

Build Quality

Image Quality

  • 8 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    cheap.great IQ but not quite as good as original, quiet a/f better suited for video
    build quality

    original mk1 has better IQ. i prefer this lens over the mk2. price

    reviewed October 1st, 2014
    (purchased for $75)

  • 10 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    almost free kitlens, IQ, af speed, no AF problems at all, light
    hood is extra, cheap JRC does the job

    You must try before discarding this almost free kitlens. Way, way better then almost all kitlenses around.
    And a pity that Oluv still hasn’t checked back here. Needs resetting the lens body combo.

    reviewed June 24th, 2012

  • 4 out of 10 points
    and not recommended

    faster AF than previous version, light
    longer than previous version, soft, plastic mount!

    as opposed to SLR-gear’s review of this lens, my particular sample is considerably softer than the old version of this lens that i also own.
    the old version has a horribly slow AF and construction quality is arguable as it feels a bit wobbly, but the new version is softer overall, despite the improvement in AF speed.
    also the plastic mount is a step backwards and to tell the truth i still prefer the old version because it is shorter overall and better suited with small mFT cameras.

    reviewed March 12th, 2012

  • 9 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    Excellent Sharpness with f/6.3 —> f/11
    Little soft wide open

    I wanted to compare this with the ED L lens that came with my E-PL1 but I found it much softer!! Fortunately I had read the previous review posted by Bruce Coxley. I did what he had done, i.e., reset the lens and it changed the whole thing!
    I found the lens excellent in sharpness, beating the 1st gen. ED L lens with aperture f/6.3 —> f/11 at all focal lengths I tested (14, 18, 24, 35, 42mm). At 24mm with f/6.3 and 35mm with f/6.3 and f/7.1 the ED L lens was sharper—but only in the corners.
    This lens shines over the previous version especially with apertures f/7.1, f/8, f/9, and f/11.
    The quality of the build is much better than that of the ED L. I also took few videos with it and found it whisper quiet when zooming—great for video!
    Autofocus on E-PL1 also seems to be faster. I’ll do some tests later to measure the different.
    Overall a great lens!

    reviewed September 1st, 2011
    (purchased for $213)

  • 9 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    Smooth & easy to operate
    Image quality is very good after resetting lens with camera.

    Distortion is well above average and no correction is needed on horizontal or vertical edges of newspaper pages. Macro setting images are very soft and will not sharpen enough to be useful. All these shots were on tripod and times shutter. IS was turned off. Much improvement needed to get Zuiko quality.
    After a long conversation with an Olympus tech rep we found out that the lens needs to be reset with the camera, as both units have firmware. Instructions are to shut off camera, lock and remove lens, re-install lens but do not unlock. Turn on camera. Go to reset in menu and follow instructions. Then you can unlock the lens and use. I did all of the above and the lens works very well.

    reviewed February 26th, 2011

Olympus 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 EZ ED M.Zuiko Digital User Reviews

average of 3 review(s)

Build Quality

Image Quality

  • 8 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    light, fast, tiny ,very acceptable image quality for a zoom this size
    expensive lens cap , don’t expect prime lens image quality

    I am using this lens as walk around lens. It stays on my olympus EPL3 most of the time. used it also on my OM-D . Image quality is absolutely satisfying for this type of lens. they are sharp, and the contrast is good enough. Its «friendly» , feels good too . On the EPL3 it’s at its best ( i think because of the lower resolution sensor). i don’t compare it to my prime’s ( 20mm1.7, 45mm1.8 or 60mm 2.8)

    reviewed October 9th, 2014
    (purchased for $359)

  • 4 out of 10 points
    and not recommended

    Size, build quality
    Almost everything else

    I bought to make a «pocketable» camera (along with a E-PM2 body) to do much the same job as something like a XZ-2, say.
    Boy was I disappointed; I expected performance similar to other Olympus kit lenses but this one comes nowhere near. It lacks «bite» (low microcontrast) at any focal length and aperture, producing rather dull, tonally flat images.
    Just to add insult it sometimes misbehaved on startup/shutdown and occasionally failed to focus, although this was rare. I tried hard to «get to like it» but failed and sold it for a loss, replacing it with the (excellent) Panasonic 12-32. The little Panasonic lens is in a different league optically, challenging my Olympus 12-40/2.8 in the centre of the frame even wide open.
    I usually like Olympus lenses, often getting attractive results from lenses that are brushed aside by the «sharpness is everything» fanatics (the 17/2.8 springs to mind) but the 14-42 EZ has no redeeming optical characteristics to mitigate its lack of resolution.
    Definitely not recommended.

    reviewed September 6th, 2014
    (purchased for $300)

  • 4 out of 10 points
    and not recommended

    Nicely made , very light and a great built in lens cap ( extra accessory )
    It’s not sharp enough for me

    I’ve tried two copies of this lens and while its size and build makes it highly attractive I’ve been unhappy with the limited sharpness.
    The mediocre resolution means that I’ve given up the convenience of the lens for the old Lumix 14-45 and thereby lies a tale.
    If I compare your resolution charts for the two lenses I see very little difference but in practice one is fit for A4 prints and one for A3.
    If small size is important this lens will do the job although a good quality compact will do much better.
    Watch for shutter shake as I found with my E-M10 ; after using the electronic shutter resolution improved.
    PostScript… I’ve tried to like this lens but it’s the poorest piece of glass I’ve ever purchased. If you never print large it will do but why tolerate it when something like a tiny Sony RX100 blows it out of the water for IQ?

    reviewed September 2nd, 2014

Основные характеристики объектива Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 13,5-5,6 ED

Фокусное расстояние: 14—42мм
Максимальная диафрагма: f/3.5 — f/5.6
Вес: 190 г
Длинна: 61 мм
Резьба под светофильтр: 58 мм
Количество лепестков диафрагмы: 7 штук скругленные
МДФ: 0,25 м

Конструктив и эргономика объектива Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3,5-5,6 ED

Объектив имеет стандартные для кита размеры, на  фотоаппарате Olympus E-510 смотрится гармонично.

Вид объектива на фотоаппарате Olympus E-510

Корпус сделан из пластмассы, включая байонет.

Как и полагается всем автофокусным зумам, большую часть оправы занимает кольцо зуммирования. Оно поворачивается где-то на 45 градусов, при этом передняя часть объектива выдвигается на 3 см.

Объектив имеет внутреннюю фокусировку, это значит, что он не меняет своих размеров как при фокусировке на бесконечность, так и при МДФ.

Также, ближе к передней линзе имеется кольцо ручной фокусировки, шириной в 1 см.

При фокусировке и при зуммировании передняя линза не вращается. Интересно, что в режиме ручной фокусировки кольцо вращается по кругу без стопора. Это непривычно. Отсюда вывод, что ручная фокусировка сделана больше для галочки, нежели для реального использования.

Panasonic 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 II ASPH MEGA OIS LUMIX G Vario User Reviews

average of 4 review(s)

Build Quality

Image Quality

  • 9 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    As sharp as any m43 zoom — better in some ways than my 12-35mm f/2.8.
    Very light.
    Very cheap.
    A no brainer.
    Plastic lens mount.
    Slow apertures.
    I prefer 12mm.

    I thought I’d try this lens simply to see if it is as good as the tests. It is. I compared it to the 12-32, 12-35, 45-150 and 42.5 shooting flat detailed objects at 5 metres. The prime lens wins easily and this comes…. joint second with the 12-35 and a bit ahead of 12-32 and 45-150. And for under $100 ! This has to be the bargain lens for m43 shooters.

    reviewed May 16th, 2016
    (purchased for $90)

  • 7 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    Small, light, inexpensive, stellar IR performer
    Microcontrast a bit lacking

    I agree with the previous reviews to a great extent, although I see larger differences when compared with the extaordinary Olympus 12-40 at any aperture, the Panasonic showing significantly less «bite» from lack of microcontrast. It’s not a big deal but I thought I’d mention it.
    I bought the 14-42 to use as a lazy choice for my GM5 when I can’t be bothered to carry multiple primes, and it’s a decent enough performer. But I was pleasntly surprised when I tried it on my IR converted E-PL5, where it outperforms *all* my other lenses — even the Panasonic 14/2.5 which has a very solid IR performance.

    reviewed August 28th, 2015
    (purchased for $80)

  • 9 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    Small, light, sharp.
    Mine is a plastic mount, but it’s no problem at such a light weight.

    This lens will get no respect because it’s a «kit» lens. Too bad. It is as excellent as reviewed here. You can get that last bit of quality and speed in another lens for sure, but you will pay far more and it will be decidedly heavier. Compared to my Pana/Leica 25 at 5.6, there’s not a dimes worth of difference, just a tiny bit more micro contrast in the center. It is almost always on my GX7, and it never fails to delight me with its competence. They can be had on Ebay, new, (detached from GF6s) for a song. You will probably never find a better deal.

    reviewed July 23rd, 2014
    (purchased for $119)

  • 8 out of 10 points
    and recommended

    Light, sharp, cheap, good OIS. Unbelievable….
    ? Speed

    The performance of this lens is hard to believe. I have the Oly 12-40 F2.8 Pro. This lens is half the weight 20% of the cost and has 90% of its performance. Period.
    I bought this with the Panasonic GF6 as its kit lens. It converted me to M4/3 so I got an OMD M1. This lens is responsible!

    reviewed April 20th, 2014
    (purchased for $200)

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